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2020 BILLS


HB 1544 Strip searches of children (2020)

Sponsored by Delegate Lee Carter [D]

04/22/20  House: Enacted, Chapter 1236 (effective 7/1/20); 04/22/20  Senate: Senate concurred in Governor's recommendation (40-Y 0-N)

Provides that no child under the age of 14 shall be strip searched under any circumstances and that a child who is 14 years of age or older but under 18 years of age shall not be strip searched unless such child's parent, guardian, or other person responsible for the care of such child has authorized or consented to the strip search. The bill also provides that any parent, guardian, or other person responsible for the care of such child who does not provide such authorization or consent shall not be denied visitation or contact with such child solely on the basis of withholding such authorization or consent.  Read bill information here.


SB 1023 Correctional facilities, state; visitation and search policies for visitors (2020)

Sponsored by Senator Mark Peake [R]

04/11/20  Governor: Approved by Governor-Chapter 1170 (effective 7/1/20)

No person in custodial arrest for a traffic infraction, Class 3 or Class 4 misdemeanor, or a violation of a city, county, or town ordinance, which is punishable by no more than thirty 30 days in jail shall be strip searched unless there is reasonable cause to believe on the part of a law-enforcement officer authorizing the search that the individual is concealing a weapon. All strip searches conducted under this section shall be performed by persons of the same sex as the person arrested and on premises where the search cannot be observed by persons not physically conducting the search.  Read bill information here.


SB 1089 State correctional facilities; strip or cavity searches of those entering a facility (2020)

Sponsored by Senator Joseph D. Morris

04/11/20  Governor: Approved by Governor-Chapter 1181 (effective 7/1/20)

Provides that no child under the age of 18 who is seeking entrance to a state correctional facility shall be strip or cavity searched under any circumstances. The bill also provides that the Department may not permanently ban any person, or insinuate that any person will be permanently banned, from seeking entrance to a state correctional facility on the basis of such person's refusal to consent to a strip or cavity search when such person is seeking to enter the interior of any state correctional facility.  Read bill information here.



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